Brooklyn District Attorney Eric Gonzalez Warns Against Smishing Scam That Uses Official-Looking NYC Website, After Shutting Down 11 Domains


Friday, July 5, 2024

Brooklyn District Attorney Eric Gonzalez Warns Against Smishing Scam

That Uses Official-Looking NYC Website, After Shutting Down 11 Domains

Text Messages Ask Users for Nominal Fee to Settle Outstanding Parking or Toll Balance;

Clicking on Accompanied Link Lets Scammers Harvest Personal and Financial Information

Brooklyn District Attorney Eric Gonzalez, together with New York City Mayor Eric Adams, today announced that his Virtual Currency Unit shut down 11 internet domains associated with a smishing scam in which people receive a text message regarding a purported unpaid parking ticket balance or toll fee. Clicking on the attached link takes potential victims to an official-looking website, where they’re asked to enter their identifying information, which can then be used for identity theft or sold on the Dark Web.

District Attorney Gonzalez said, “Swift response by our Virtual Currency Unit allowed us to dismantle 11 domains that were used to scam New Yorkers by using credible-looking websites. People should be very suspicious of any unsolicited text message or email requesting money or personal information, and to never click on link without knowing the sender. Even as we continue to shut down these fraudulent sites, education and prevention remain the best defense.”

Mayor Adams said, “This administration will not sit idly by while bad actors attempt to take advantage of unsuspecting New Yorkers. When we were informed of this scam, we immediately alerted New Yorkers and reminded them that the Department of Finance and NYC City Pay will never require payment from anyone via text message. We remain committed to keeping New Yorkers informed and commend District Attorney Gonzalez for moving quickly to shut down 11 websites involved in this devious text message phishing scam. We will not tolerate these attempts to exploit our community’s trust. As always, we urge New Yorkers to stay vigilant and stay informed, and NYC Cyber Command will continue to partner with the DA’s Office to ensure all New Yorkers are aware of similar campaigns and have all the information needed to protect themselves from identity theft.”

The District Attorney said that this week, his office became aware of this scam after a detective received a text message requesting $2.50 to settle a $25 balance and providing a link. Dozens of complaints describing the same text were additionally received by the Cyber Currency Unit. The operation was identified as a smishing scam, which is a type of phishing scam that uses text messages and websites to solicit users’ personal information, and often starts with an alarming, and legitimate-looking text message.

The investigation revealed that, when users clicked on the link, they were taken to a realistic-looking website, purportedly from “NYC Citypay,” where they were asked for their name, date of birth, driver’s license number, and credit or debit card number. That information could then be sold online and used for identity theft, to open credit cards accounts, and for other illegal activities. Twenty-four hours after initiating an investigation, the DA’s Office identified 11 domains connected to the scam and took them offline pursuant to a court order. The dismantled domains are:,,,,,,,,,,,

People who responded to the text and entered their information, should freeze the account they used to pay the small fee, activate a credit card freeze, notify their bank and credit card provider, and closely monitor their finances for a few months to look for unusual activity.

The investigation into this case was handled by Assistant District Attorney Alona Katz, Chief of the Virtual Currency Unit with assistance from Virtual Currency Analyst Sam Weaver and Senior Detective Investigator Gerard Caffrey.


Woman Sentenced to 12 Years in Prison For Unprovoked Acid Attack in Brooklyn Subway Station


Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Woman Sentenced to 12 Years in Prison

For Unprovoked Acid Attack in Brooklyn Subway Station

Victim Suffered Serious Burns and Permanent Facial Scarring

Brooklyn District Attorney Eric Gonzalez announced today that a woman has been sentenced to 12 years in prison for a random attack inside a Brooklyn subway station in which she threw sulfuric acid in a stranger’s face, causing serious second- and third-degree burns to the victim as well as significant scarring. The defendant was convicted of assault in May.

District Attorney Gonzalez said, “Today’s sentence holds this defendant accountable for a frightening and random attack on an innocent woman. Brooklyn residents deserve to feel safe when taking the subway and those who jeopardize their safety will be held accountable. My heart goes out to the young victim of this attack as she continues to heal from her injuries.”

The District Attorney identified the defendant as Rodlin Gravesande, 34, formerly of Brownsville, Brooklyn. The defendant was sentenced today by Brooklyn Supreme Court Justice Joanne Quinones to 12 years in prison. The defendant was convicted of first- and second-degree assault on May 14, 2024, following a jury trial.

The District Attorney said that, according to the evidence, on December 2, 2022, at approximately 12:45 a.m., the victim, a 21-year-old woman, was riding a southbound 2 train to work at Kings County Hospital when the defendant began to yell and threatened to push passengers on the train. The defendant did this for several minutes before turning her attention to the victim.

Furthermore, according to the evidence, when the train arrived at the Winthrop Street Station, in Prospect Lefferts Gardens, the victim exited the train. The defendant followed the victim off the train and onto the platform. The two exchanged words. The victim continued to walk away. The defendant then punched the victim in the head. When the victim walked toward the stairs, the defendant followed her. The defendant then opened a vial of sulfuric acid and threw it in the victim’s face, before fleeing the station.

The acid burned a hole through the victim’s clothing and caused second- and third-degree burns to the left side of her face.

The victim ran out of the subway station and around the corner to Kings County Hospital. She was transferred to the burn unit at Jacobi Medical Center in the Bronx. Since the attack, the victim has received a nose and lip reconstruction as well as multiple skin grafts.

The defendant fled to Atlanta, Georgia. She was extradited back to Brooklyn in January 2023.

The case was prosecuted by Senior Assistant District Attorney Kathleen Conlon and Assistant District Attorney Bianca Kushner, of the District Attorney’s Green Zone Trial Bureau, under the supervision of Assistant District Attorneys Michael Boykin and Lana Schlesinger, Deputy Bureau Chiefs, and under the overall supervision of Assistant District Attorney Frank DeGaetano, Bureau Chief.


Man Sentenced to 17 Years to Life in Prison for Sexual Assault


Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Man Sentenced to 17 Years to Life in Prison for Sexual Assault

Defendant Grabbed the 62-Year-Old Victim as She Walked to Work

Brooklyn District Attorney Eric Gonzalez today announced that a Brooklyn man has been sentenced to 17 years to life in prison for sexually assaulting a woman in Stuyvesant Heights. The victim was walking to work when the defendant grabbed her by the hair, pushed her into an alley and assaulted her.

District Attorney Gonzalez said, “This horrific and violent attack on an innocent woman shocks the conscience, and the depravity of the crime warrants today’s lengthy prison sentence. We are steadfast in our commitment to seeking justice for all victims of sexual violence and continuing the progress we have made making Brooklyn safer for everyone.”

The District Attorney identified the defendant as Leroy Hatcher, 44, of Stuyvesant Heights, Brooklyn. He was sentenced today to 17 years to life in prison by Brooklyn Supreme Court Justice Danny Chun. The defendant pleaded guilty to first-degree attempted criminal sexual act and first-degree sexual abuse on May 30, 2024.

The District Attorney said that, according to the investigation, on February 6, 2021, at approximately 5:45 a.m., the victim, who was 62 years old at the time of the attack, was walking to work in the vicinity of 482 Kosciuszko Street, in Stuyvesant Heights, when the defendant approached her, grabbed her by the hair and put his hand over her mouth. She struggled to get away. He told her to be quiet, pushed her toward an alley, and put a knife to her throat.

Furthermore, the District Attorney said, he pushed her toward the ground, grabbed her about the body, removed her pants and underwear, and sexually assaulted her at knifepoint, according to the investigation. He then left the area.

Surveillance video recovered from multiple locations captured the defendant in the area and he was identified by a detective and by his parole officer. A condom recovered from the alley had the defendant’s DNA as well as the victim’s DNA. The defendant was apprehended on February 24, 2021.

The case was prosecuted by Senior Assistant District Attorney Gwen Barnes and Assistant District Attorney Sherri Litvak, of the District Attorney’s Special Victims Bureau, under the supervision of Assistant District Attorney Miss Gregory, Bureau Chief.


Brooklyn District Attorney Eric Gonzalez Announces Seizure of 70 Domains That Targeted the Russian Community in Cryptocurrency Scams


Thursday, June 6, 2024

Brooklyn District Attorney Eric Gonzalez Announces Seizure of 70 Domains

That Targeted the Russian Community in Cryptocurrency Scams

Victims Targeted Through Facebook Ads, Including One Promising Investment

Advice from Elon Musk; More Than 20 Brooklyn Residents Lost Over $1 Million

Brooklyn District Attorney Eric Gonzalez today announced that his Virtual Currency Unit successfully disrupted a cryptocurrency scam operation that targeted members of the Russian community. The victims were lured into making what turned out to be bogus investments by responding to Facebook ads about investment opportunities then getting a call from a purported investment advisor, who spoke in Russian and guided them into making cryptocurrency transactions on what were actually bogus websites. The investigation identified over 20 Brooklyn investors who lost over $1 million and additional victims from across the United States who lost an additional $4 million combined. The cluster of 70 linked domains have now been taken offline.

District Attorney Gonzalez said, “My office continues to respond to complaints from Brooklyn residents who fall victim to the growing problem of cryptocurrency scams. This particular operation targeted members of the Russian community through Facebook advertising, by speaking their language, gaining their trust, and convincing them into making investments that were ultimately stolen. We have now severely disrupted this long running scam and will continue this work on taking fake investment websites offline to protect the public while raising awareness, so our neighbors can protect themselves.”

The District Attorney said that starting in October 2023, his Virtual Currency Unit started to regularly receive complaints about thousands of dollars in losses from residents of Russian speaking communities who were convinced into investing in what they believed to be legitimate cryptocurrency investment platforms.

The investigation identified a shared narrative under which victims were lured into the scam by clicking on a Facebook advertisement promising impressive returns. Many of the ads they described featured a “deepfake” video of Elon Musk, encouraging people to invest in cryptocurrency (see attached image). Victims then received a follow up call from an “investment advisor” who spoke to them in Russian and coached them into creating an account on an investment website. With the help of the “advisor,” victims purchased cryptocurrency and transferred it to addresses linked websites. After “investing” for several weeks or months, the victims attempted to make a withdrawal but were locked out of their account or told they had to pay additional fees and taxes. This type of scam is commonly known as “Pig Butchering.”

An analysis of the websites reported by this cluster of victims revealed similarities in their appearance, HTML structure, IP addresses, hosting provider, and domain registrar. Most obvious of the similarities was an identical looking login page that served as a portal for the victims to create an account and begin their “investments” (see attached image). It is believed that the sites originated from Russia and the scammers were speaking in Russian as a way to ingratiate themselves to the victims and build trust. Because Russia is outside U.S. jurisdiction, recovering any stolen funds is extremely difficult and therefore, the DA’s Office strategy has been to disrupt the scam by taking control of the fake websites.

This week, the Virtual Currency Unit, pursuant to a court order, seized a network of 70 linked scam domains, all associated with the investment scam targeting Russian victims in Brooklyn and elsewhere. It identified over 20 Brooklyn victims from Brighton Beach, Borough Park, Midwood, Sheepshead Bay, Ocean Parkway, Manhattan Beach, Kensington, and other neighborhoods. There were three additional victims from Manhattan. The victims ranged in age from 35 to 75 with the majority older than 50. They reported individual loss amounts ranging from $18,000 to over $117,000. In total, the New York victims lost over $1 million.

In addition, the investigation found other Russian speaking victims from across the country (California, Maryland, Washington, Nebraska, Florida, Illinois, South Carolina and Pennsylvania). The combined victims across the country reported a total of $4 million in losses, believed to be just a fraction of the total financial damage caused in this scam.

Since seizing the domains, which now redirect to a warning message from law enforcement, the DA’s Office received multiple calls from victims who had been in the midst of sending more money to the fake investment companies but were alerted to the scam by the DA’s seizure notice.

The District Attorney shared the following warning signs of someone trying to lure a victim into a cryptocurrency scam:

  • You get a “wrong message” text from a stranger who attempts to start a friendship and talks about how much money they’ve made by investing in cryptocurrency.
  • You are added to a group chat on WhatsApp or Telegram that offers advice on how to invest in cryptocurrency with promises of getting rich quickly.
  • Someone on Facebook brags about how much money they have made in cryptocurrency and tells you they can help you get rich.
  • Someone you’ve never met in-person starts giving you cryptocurrency investment advice and promises returns on investments that seem too good to be true.
  • You are directed to download an app to track your investments from a cryptocurrency website for a company you’ve never heard of before, not from an official mobile app store.
  • The financial advisor or customer support for a cryptocurrency website communicates with you through Telegram or WhatsApp.
  • You are asked to make cryptocurrency investments by giving large amounts of cash to couriers and company representatives in-person.
  • You can make small withdrawals at the start but can’t withdraw any large amounts without having to pay a tax or additional fee.

The District Attorney also shared the following tips on how to protect people from these cryptocurrency scams:

  • Don’t trust cryptocurrency investment opportunities that seem too good to be true.
  • Do not make cryptocurrency investments based on the advice of someone you’ve never met in person.
  • Don’t download investment apps from unverified cryptocurrency investment websites.
  • Don’t install apps that force you to override your phone’s security features.
  • Verify the legitimacy of a company. Ask a friend, family member, or contact the KCDA Command center if you are unsure if something is legitimate.
  • Never allow download programs such as AnyDesk that allows remote access to your computer.
  • Do not pay more money in order to try and recover your investment from a cryptocurrency website.
  • Check whether a cryptocurrency exchange is licensed to operate in New York State by going to or calling the New York State Department of Financial Services hotline at 800-342-3736.

The investigation into this case was handled by Assistant District Attorney Alona Katz, Chief of the Virtual Currency Unit with assistance from Senior Digital Forensic Analyst Mauricio Suarez-Marquez, under the supervision of Chief of the Digital Evidence Lab Unit Jingu Chong. Virtual Currency Analysts Sam Weaver and Lindiwe Mangondo, Assistant District Attorney Brian Umana of the Virtual Currency Unit, and Senior Detective Investigator Gerard Caffrey of the KCDA Detective Bureau also assisted in the investigation.


Brooklyn Man Sentenced to 15 Years in Prison in Death of Child


Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Brooklyn Man Sentenced to 15 Years in Prison in Death of Child

Cause of Death was Battered Child Syndrome, Blunt Force Injury to Torso

Brooklyn District Attorney Eric Gonzalez today announced that a Brooklyn man has been sentenced to 15 years in prison for striking and causing the death of his girlfriend’s four-year-old son, Jayce Eubanks. An autopsy determined that the child had numerous old and new injuries about his body and suffered from battered child syndrome.

District Attorney Gonzalez said, “The autopsy of this innocent child revealed that he suffered unthinkable and repeated abuse in his short life and ultimately died at the hands of this defendant. I am committed to protecting children in our communities from child abusers and today’s sentence holds this defendant accountable.”

The District Attorney identified the defendant as Jerimiah Johnson, 30, of East New York, Brooklyn. He was sentenced today by Brooklyn Supreme Court Justice Donald Leo to 15 years in prison. The defendant pleaded guilty to first-degree manslaughter on April 17, 2024.

The District Attorney said that, according to the investigation, on September 12, 2021, at approximately 5:30 a.m., inside the child’s home, located on Baltic Street in the Gowanus Houses, in Brooklyn, his mother, Rickia Delvalle, was awakened by the defendant, who was holding Jayce in his arms and who stated that the child said he could not breathe and had collapsed to the floor. The mother observed that the child was not breathing and appeared completely unresponsive.

Jayce was taken to Brooklyn Hospital Center, where he was pronounced dead at approximately 6:54 a.m.

An autopsy performed by the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner determined that Jayce had numerous old and new injuries, including multiple bruises and abrasions to his body, limbs, back, chest and abdomen; a healing skull fracture, multiple healing and recent rib fractures on both sides of the chest, trauma to the stomach causing it to perforate, causing bleeding into the gastrointestinal tract and abdominal cavity, and that the cause of death was battered child syndrome with recent blunt force injuries of the torso.

The case was prosecuted by Assistant District Attorney Perry Cerrato, Deputy Chief of the District Attorney’s Special Victims Bureau, and Senior Assistant District Attorney Daniel Newcombe, also of the Special Victims Bureau, under the overall supervision of Assistant District Attorney Miss Gregory, Bureau Chief.


Brooklyn Man Sentenced to 10 Years in Prison Following Burglary Spree of Homes and Businesses in Bensonhurst


Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Brooklyn Man Sentenced to 10 Years in Prison

Following Burglary Spree of Homes and Businesses in Bensonhurst

Defendant Stole More than $150,000 Worth of Jewelry and Cash 

Brooklyn District Attorney Eric Gonzalez today announced that a Brooklyn man has been sentenced to 10 years in prison for committing a string of burglaries in Bensonhurst between August 2022 and January 2023. Of the burglaries, two were of private dwellings and four were local stores.

District Attorney Gonzalez said, “These prison sentences reflect the seriousness of the crimes these serial burglars committed and send a strong message that this conduct will not be tolerated in Brooklyn. My office takes property crime and retail theft very seriously, and I’m grateful to our partners and the NYPD for their excellent work holding these defendants accountable.”

The District Attorney identified the defendant as John Catullo, 55, of Bensonhurst, Brooklyn. He was sentenced today by Brooklyn Supreme Court Justice Danny Chun to 10 years in prison on two indictments where the defendant committed seven burglaries. The defendant initially pleaded guilty to one count of second-degree burglary on November 16, 2023, in satisfaction of all the charges for a series of burglaries committed by the defendant between August 2022 and January 2023.

Following the defendant’s guilty plea in November 2023, he committed another burglary on December 1, 2023, while out on bail, prior to his sentencing. The defendant burglarized a private home on 72nd Street in Bensonhurst, stealing a diamond ring and $3,000 in cash. The defendant was indicted for second-degree burglary for that incident. On May 14, 2024, the defendant pleaded guilty to one count of second-degree burglary for the December 1, 2023 burglary.

  Catullo’s co-defendant for the first set of burglaries, Sam Kravchenko, 36, of Coney Island, pleaded guilty to third-degree burglary, criminal possession of a firearm and second-degree criminal trespass on April 10, 2024 and was sentenced on April 24, 2024 to two to six years in prison.

The District Attorney said that, according to the investigation, the defendants were charged in connection with the following incidents:

  • On August 8, 2022, the defendants burglarized a private home on West 12th Street in Gravesend and stole two Rolex watches, a Cartier gold watch, a gold necklace with a diamond cross, a gold bracelet, a diamond bracelet, and diamond earrings.
  • On September 6, 2022, the defendants burglarized a grocery store on 17th Avenue in Bensonhurst, stealing a safe containing approximately $15,000 cash as well as a cash register containing petty cash.
  • On October 6, 2022, the defendants burglarized a grocery store located on Bath Avenue in Bath Beach and stole a security box containing approximately $10,000 cash and a cash register containing petty cash.
  • On October 6, 2022, the defendants burglarized a grocery store located on New Utrecht Avenue in Bensonhurst and stole a security box containing approximately $10,000 cash and a cash register containing petty cash.
  • On November 13, 2022, the defendants burglarized a vape shop located on 18th Avenue in Bensonhurst and stole approximately $38,211 worth of merchandise.
  • On January 18, 2023, the defendants burglarized a private home located on 76th Street in Bensonhurst and stole approximately $7,000 cash, two Rolexes, a Cartier bracelet, a necklace and matching earring set, and a gold necklace.

Defendant Kravchenko was arrested on January 26, 2023, after a car stop for failure to signal. He was driving with a suspended license, and police allegedly recovered 39 Oxycodone pills in his vehicle along with two police scanners. Upon further investigation using cell phone sites, enhanced video and other evidence, the defendants were linked to the burglaries.

The case was investigated by New York City Detective Anthony Brucato, Sergeant Nicholas Occhipinti, and Sergeant James Sinnott, all of the 62nd Precinct.

The District Attorney thanked Intelligence Analyst Fatima Shaik and Unit Chief Jingu Chong, of the District Attorney’s Digital Evidence Lab and Jannette Lukowsky, Deputy Chief of the District Attorney’s Law Enforcement Assistance Unit, for their work on the case.

The case was prosecuted by Senior Assistant District Attorney Joseph Duarte and Senior Assistant District Attorney Matthew Barg, of the District Attorney’s Orange Zone Trial Bureau, under the supervision of Assistant District Attorney Michael Trabulsi and Assistant District Attorney Iris Das, Deputy Bureau Chiefs, and the overall supervision of Assistant District Attorney Danielle Eaddy, Bureau Chief. 


Fifteen Alleged H-Block/Billy’s Gang Members Charged in Conspiracy Indictment That Includes Two Murders and Multiple Shootings


Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Fifteen Alleged H-Block/Billy’s Gang Members Charged in

Conspiracy Indictment That Includes Two Murders and Multiple Shootings

Three Rival Gates Fam and Gotti Gang Members Charged in Separate Indictments;

Defendants Variously Charged with Murder, Attempted Murder, and Conspiracy

Brooklyn District Attorney Eric Gonzalez, together with New York City Police Commissioner Edward A. Caban, today announced that 18 alleged members of the H-Block/Billy’s and Gates Fam street gangs are variously charged in three indictments with conspiracy to commit murder, possess weapons and related charges. In addition to the two murders, the defendants are variously charged in connection with 10 shooting incidents that left 10 people injured – including eight innocent bystanders.

District Attorney Gonzalez said, “This case sends a strong message that shooting guns in our streets cannot and will not be tolerated. It is shocking how young many of the defendants are, and today’s takedown is part of our comprehensive approach to youth violence – holding accountable those who commit shootings and working with other young people to steer them away from street gangs. Senseless gun violence ruins lives and causes damage in our communities and I remain committed to tackling this issue head-on. I thank the NYPD and our prosecutors for their hard work in putting this case together to make our streets safer as we enter the summer season.”

Commissioner Caban said, “Identifying, investigating, and dismantling gangs and crews, and preventing the senseless violence so often associated with their illegal activities, continue to be among the highest priorities for the NYPD and our law enforcement partners. I commend our NYPD investigators and our colleagues in the office of the Brooklyn district attorney for their ongoing dedication to our shared public safety mission. We remain relentless in our efforts to eradicate gun violence and to improve quality of life for all New Yorkers by precisely targeting the relatively small percentage of people responsible for much of the violence in our city.”

New York City Mayor Eric Adams said, “New York City will not tolerate the reckless endangerment of those who choose a path of violence and chaos. Today’s action underscores our unwavering commitment to stopping and holding accountable those who threaten our communities. The safety and well-being of every New Yorker is our top priority, and we will continue to work tirelessly to bring those who break the law to justice. I commend the collaborative efforts of the NYPD, DA Gonzalez, and all law enforcement agencies involved in this critical operation, which will ensure that our streets remain safe and that justice is served for the victims and their families. Let this be a clear message to those who seek to disrupt the peace in our communities: we will find you, we will prosecute you, and we will protect our city.”

The defendants will be arraigned this afternoon before Brooklyn Supreme Court Justices Danny K. Chun and Craig S. Walker on an 85-count indictment in which they are variously charged with second degree murder, second- and fourth-degree conspiracy, second-degree attempted murder, first- and second-degree criminal possession of a weapon, second-degree assault and related counts. [See defendant addendum,]

The District Attorney said the indictment is the result of a long-term investigation by the District Attorney’s Violent Criminal Enterprises Bureau and the NYPD’s Gun Violence Suppression Division into violence committed by street gangs operating on the border of Crown Heights and Bedford-Stuyvesant in Brooklyn. Fifteen of the defendants are alleged members of the H-Block/Billy’s gang, a territorial alliance between a 59-Brim Bloods set and a 9-Trey/Billy’s Bloods set operating out of Crown Heights. The H-Block Billy’s have several “home bases” that they have frequented over the course of this investigation, including 260-280 Herkimer Street and 1625 Fulton Street.

The other three defendants are alleged members of the Gates Fam street gang (and Gotti Gang), a subset of the Bloods, whose territory includes the Louis Armstrong Houses and 523 Gates Avenue in Bedford-Stuyvesant.

It is alleged, according to the indictment, that the H-Block/Billy’s defendants conspired to murder opposition gang members, boasting about or discussing the conspiracy in social media posts, recorded jail conversations, and on cell phones. The defendants also, it is alleged, variously possessed photos and videos of themselves holding guns, using guns or discussing guns in messages.

It is alleged that between August 2021 and the date of this indictment, the H-Block/Billy’s defendants, variously committed multiple shootings and acts of violence against rival gang members or within rival gang territory to maintain dominance over their geographical territory and to maintain supremacy over rivals.

The conspiracy allegedly began in August 2021 with a series of three shootings by the H-Block/Billy’s alliance within a two-hour period. The shootings resulted in the death of Jaquan Gause, a 16-year-old Gates Fam member, and non-fatal injuries to three other individuals, including an innocent person who was mistaken for a gang rival.

The second homicide charged in the indictment is the June 25, 2022, shooting death of 16-year-old Woo associate Nayshawn Campbell, who was shot in the torso by a single bullet inside the Dr. Green Playground in Brownsville, at approximately 3:14 a.m. He was taken to Brookdale Hospital where he was pronounced dead at approximately 4:12 a.m. H-Block members Nyshaun Perry, Demetri JeanJacques and Isaiah Charles, who were “spinning” (looking for opposition members to shoot) in Woo gang territory, are charged in connection with the homicide.

It is alleged that H-Block/Billy’s members committed numerous shootings during the course of the conspiracy, including the following:

  • It is alleged that on April 12, 2022, defendants Malcolm Davis and Shamari Griffith left 260 Herkimer Street and headed to 471 Gates Avenue in Gates Fam territory and, at approximately 4:20 p.m., allegedly opened fire on a group of people. Three innocent people were struck and wounded. A 29-year-old man was shot in the back and suffered a spinal cord injury, a 42-year-old man suffered a graze wound to his right arm, and a 45-year-old man suffered a gunshot wound to his right thigh.
  • It is alleged that on August 18, 2022, at approximately 1:45 the vicinity of Farragut Place and East 32nd Street, in rival Folk Nation gang territory, defendants Nyshaun Perry and Jamouri Foster allegedly opened fire on a 2022 Dodge Charger, occupied by four individuals. The back window was shattered and there was bullet damage to the front passenger side of the windshield. A bullet also struck a passenger’s headrest, but no one was injured.
  • It is alleged that on August 21, 2022, at approximately 6:27 p.m., defendants Isaiah Charles and Demitri JeanJacques, and an unidentified individual, were in the vicinity of Washington Avenue and Saint John’s Place when they opened fire on individuals involved in a video shoot of a rapper associated with rival gang Lincoln Fam. The three shooters allegedly opened fire on a crowd of people, striking a then-25-year-old videographer in the leg. Four cars in the vicinity were damaged by gunfire and police recovered 13 shell casings, one fired bullet fragment, and one live cartridge from the scene.
  • On October 2, 2023, at approximately 10:45 a.m., in the vicinity of Chauncey Street and Stuyvesant Avenue, Gates Fam member David Robinson used his vehicle to allegedly attempt to run over H-Block member Michael Hammond. Robinson then crashed his vehicle into a Citi Bike rack and a Fire Department pole, which was knocked to the ground. Several bicycles were damaged. In response, it is alleged, Hammond fired shots at Robinson’s car and struck him in the shoulder.

The investigation was conducted by New York City Police Department Detective Lena Alexander and Detective Erin Currie, under the supervision of Sergeant Kevin Beasley, Lieutenant William Tergesen, Captain Ryan Gillis, all of the Gun Violence Suppression Division, and Deputy Inspector Craig Edelman, Commanding Officer of the Gun Violence Suppression Division, all under the overall supervision of Assistant Chief Jason Savino, Commanding Officer of the Specialty Enforcement Division, and Chief of Detectives Joseph Kenny.

The case is being prosecuted by Assistant District Attorney Christine Maloney, Chief of Special Investigations, Senior Assistant District Attorney Michelle Kiley, and Assistant District Attorney Alexis Zargar, of the District Attorney’s Violent Criminal Enterprises Bureau, with the assistance of Intelligence Analyst Austin Wilson and Paralegal Sultana Wahab, all under the supervision of Assistant District Attorney Kathryn Spota, Deputy Bureau Chief, Assistant District Attorney Jennifer Cilia, First Deputy Bureau Chief, and Assistant District Attorney Alfred De Ingeniis, Bureau Chief.




An indictment is merely an accusation and not proof of a defendant’s guilt.



  • Nyshaun Perry, 20.
  • Demitri JeanJacques, 18.
  • Isaiah Charles, 17.
  • Jamouri Foster, 17.
  • Damian Nickelson, 17.
  • Jayden Clarence, 16.
  • Shamari Griffith, 21.
  • Malcolm Davis, 19.
  • Shamar Dudley, 20.
  • Derrick Prescod, 20.
  • Dushaun Johnston, 23.
  • Kymani Glenn, 22.
  • Jahnie Cox, 21.
  • Michael Hammond, 20.
  • Jaiden Jefferies, 18.
    Gates Fam/Gotti Gang
  • Gyasi Shury-Muse, 21.
  • Kaevon Mitchell, 19.
  • David Robinson, 21.

Williamsburg Driver Indicted for Manslaughter After Allegedly Fleeing Car Crash That Killed Passenger


Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Williamsburg Driver Indicted for Manslaughter

After Allegedly Fleeing Car Crash That Killed Passenger

Defendant Was Allegedly Speeding and

Ran Multiple Red Lights Before Colliding with MTA Bus 

Brooklyn District Attorney Eric Gonzalez today announced that a Williamsburg man has been arraigned on an indictment in which he is charged with manslaughter, criminally negligent homicide, leaving the scene of an incident without reporting, and additional charges in connection with a car crash in which he allegedly ran multiple red lights and struck an MTA bus before fleeing the scene. One of the defendant’s passengers, a 33-year-old man, was killed.

District Attorney Gonzalez said, “As alleged, this defendant’s extreme recklessness behind the wheel cost the life of an innocent person and put many more people in harm’s way. Brooklyn deserves safe streets, and I am committed to holding accountable any driver who endangers our community with this kind dangerous and criminal conduct.”

The District Attorney identified the defendant as Michael Rivera, 31, of Williamsburg, Brooklyn. He was arraigned today by Brooklyn Supreme Court Justice Herbert Moses on an eight-count indictment in which he is charged with second-degree manslaughter; second-degree assault; criminally negligent homicide; leaving the scene of an incident without reporting, second-degree reckless endangerment; reckless driving; excessive speed; and failure to obey traffic control signal. The defendant faces up to 15 years in prison if convicted of the top count. He was ordered to return to court on July 23, 2024.

The District Attorney said that, according to the investigation, on February 26, 2024, at approximately 9:45 p.m., the defendant was driving an unregistered 2010 red Mercedes Benz on Harrison Avenue in South Williamsburg. Video surveillance allegedly captures the defendant running multiple red lights and driving more than 49 miles per hour in a 25 mile per hour zone.

Furthermore, according to the investigation, the defendant then allegedly ran a red light at the intersection of Lorimer Street and Harrison Avenue where he collided with an MTA bus. The force of the collision caused the vehicle to spin and mount the sidewalk. A passenger, Alex DeJesus Caba Gutierrez, 33, was thrown from the backseat. Video surveillance footage allegedly captures the defendant exiting the Mercedes and walking up to Gutierrez where he lay on the sidewalk. The defendant then fled the scene, leaving his friend.

Furthermore, according to the investigation, bystanders called 911. When EMS arrived, they observed that Gutierrez was critically injured and transported him to Bellevue Hospital where he died approximately two hours later. It was the victim’s birthday. Additionally, the driver of the MTA bus and several passengers suffered multiple injuries and were transported to the hospital for medical treatment.

The case is being prosecuted by Senior Assistant District Attorney Christopher Brogna and Assistant District Attorney Christina R. Deleasa, of the District Attorney’s Grey Zone Trial Bureau, under the supervision of Assistant District Attorney Robert Walsh, Bureau Chief.


An indictment is an accusatory instrument and not proof of a defendant’s guilt.

Brooklyn Man Sentenced to 21 Years in Prison for Shooting Two Teens, One Fatally, During Fight Over Marijuana Sale


Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Brooklyn Man Sentenced to 21 Years in Prison for

Shooting Two Teens, One Fatally, During Fight Over Marijuana Sale

Pleaded Guilty to First-Degree Manslaughter in March

Brooklyn District Attorney Eric Gonzalez today announced that a Brooklyn man has been sentenced to 21 years in prison for shooting two teenagers, one fatally, in East Flatbush in 2020 during a fight that erupted over a marijuana sale.

District Attorney Gonzalez said, “This defendant needlessly escalated an argument into a deadly confrontation that tragically cost a young man his life. The defendant’s guilty plea and today’s sentence hold him accountable for his actions.”

The District Attorney identified the defendant as Nasir Perez, 22, of Midwood, Brooklyn. He was sentenced today by Brooklyn Supreme Court Justice John Hecht to 21 years in prison and five years’ post release supervision following his guilty plea to first-degree manslaughter on March 28, 2024.

The District Attorney said that, according to the evidence, on October 28, 2020, at approximately 2:30 p.m., at East 26th Street and Foster Avenue, in East Flatbush, the defendant met with three 17-year-olds in order to purchase marijuana. The defendant was the buyer; the teenagers were the sellers. An argument broke out when the defendant asked to inspect the marijuana and tried to take it from one of the teenagers. When the young man resisted, the defendant pulled out a 380-caliber Taurus handgun. Two of the other teens displayed knives and converged on the defendant. The defendant then opened fire, striking one of the teens in the head and chest, and hitting another in the hand.

The victim was taken to Kings County Hospital where he was pronounced dead.

The defendant was arrested on February 11, 2021.

The District Attorney thanked Homicide Paralegal Amanda Connolly for her assistance on the case.

The case was prosecuted by Senior Assistant District Attorney Matthew Perry, of the District Attorney’s Homicide Bureau, and Senior Assistant District Attorney Steven Bravo, of the District Attorney’s Blue Zone Trial Bureau, under the supervision of Assistant District Attorney Leila Rosini, Homicide Bureau Chief.


Brooklyn Man Sentenced to Up to 10 Years in Prison for Fatally Injuring Girlfriend’s 4-Month-Old Daughter


Friday, May 17, 2024

Brooklyn Man Sentenced to Up to 10 Years in Prison for

Fatally Injuring Girlfriend’s 4-Month-Old Daughter

Medical Examiner Determined Child Died of Abusive Head Trauma

Brooklyn District Attorney Eric Gonzalez today announced that a Bedford-Stuyvesant man has been sentenced to up to 10 years in prison for fatally injuring his girlfriend’s four-month-old daughter. The defendant pleaded guilty to second-degree manslaughter in April.

District Attorney Gonzalez said, “Royalty Kemp was a precious infant entrusted by her mother to the defendant’s care. Instead of ensuring the child’s safety, he caused head injuries so severe she died. With today’s sentence, the defendant has been held responsible for his horrific actions. Our hearts continue to be with the child’s mother and loved ones as they grieve her tragic loss.”

The District Attorney identified the defendant as Ricardo Price, 26, of Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn. He was sentenced today by Brooklyn Supreme Court Justice Donald Leo to 3 1/3 to 10 years in prison. The defendant pleaded guilty to second-degree manslaughter on April 12, 2024.

The District Attorney said that, according to the evidence, on June 22, 2021, the defendant was babysitting four-month-old Royalty Kemp in an apartment at 93 Lewis Avenue. Her mother left the child in the defendant’s care for the night. The child was sitting in the defendant’s lap, according to the evidence, and began to cry. The defendant then repeatedly shook his leg to get her to quiet down, causing the child to bounce off his knee multiple times and the child’s head to strike a video game controller in the defendant’s hands.

Furthermore, according to the evidence, the child’s mother returned on June 23, and noticed the baby was lethargic and unable to eat. That afternoon, the child became unresponsive. The mother and the defendant brought her to Woodhull Medical Center where doctors diagnosed a skull fracture. The child was transferred to Bellevue Hospital where she died on July 2, 2021.

An autopsy performed by the Office of the New York City Medical Examiner determined the child’s cause of death was from abusive head trauma with numerous recent injuries including skull fractures with underlying hemorrhaging to the brain as well as hemorrhaging to parts of the spinal cord.

The case was prosecuted by Senior Assistant District Attorney Paul Hershan, of the District Attorney’s Special Victims Bureau, and Assistant District Attorney Perry Cerrato, Deputy Chief of the Special Victims Bureau, under the supervision of Assistant District Attorney Miss Gregory, Bureau Chief.
