– Brooklyn DA hosts annual Black History Month Celebration
– Brooklyn Law School Hosts DA’s Office Annual Hanukkah Celebration
– Brooklyn – Gun Buyback Program A Success
– District Attorney’s Office Lights Up Diwali In Brooklyn With Historic Event
– MEC Partners with Brooklyn DA’s Office to Host Campus Sexual Assault Symposium
– Brooklyn DA’s Office Celebrates Hip-Hop For Black History
– Inaugural Caribbean American Celebration
– Debbie Dudis, First Out Trans Prosecutor in Brooklyn
The Brooklyn District Attorney’s Office is dedicated to achieving equal justice and public safety by fairly enforcing the law and using innovative strategies to prevent crime. Community members play a crucial role in attaining that goal.
This Office is accessible to all Brooklyn residents, and committed to building mutual trust and respect between law enforcement and the community. We are here to inform, listen and respond. Help us drive down crime and make Brooklyn a better place for all!
The Office of Public Engagement serves as the primary link between Brooklyn residents and the District Attorney’s Office.
Office of Public Engagement specialists regularly attend and participate in:
- community board meetings,
- police precinct council meetings, and
- block association and civic association events to ensure that all Brooklyn communities are kept informed about the latest developments associated with the Brooklyn District Attorney’s Office.
The Public Engagement team will also organize presentations that connect Brooklyn residents who are concerned about enforcement issues with expert prosecutors on that subject matter.
The unit plays a vital role in ensuring that Brooklyn residents relay their concerns about, and knowledge of, potential criminal activity to the appropriate personnel. Thanks to the Office of Public Engagement, crimes and illegal activity are regularly reported to the DA’s Action Center via the District Attorney’s specialized unit hotlines.
To learn more about the Office of Public Engagement, or to arrange for a presentation or organize an event, please call the unit at 718-250-3888.
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